Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Latest Updates/people driving like dorks

Well, I have very few. I guess the place didn't appraise for the total amount of the loan, so in the next few days we'll find out the appraised value and play it from there. Whatever the outcome, it will probably require me to come out of my own pocket for some closing costs. I didn't want to dip into my savings on this at all, but I kind of feel like God just wants me to trust Him on this. What are my savings to Him, and in the light of eternity? He has the power to make me physically rich beyond my wildest dreams or to take it all back. It's all His to start with. For me, it's a trust issue. My safety net. In the meantime, I'm becoming more and more willing to relinquish control. And as always, I covet ya'lls prayers. For a buyer/renter for my current home, that the Vision Series we have meeting here to lift His name up, and that above all, He would give me wisdom to deal.

On another note, I have something to say to all those of you on 4 wheels. Please get that cellphone away from your face, learn to use mirrors and turnsignals, properly behave yourself at a yield sign(i.e. pay attention so there is no need to slam on your brakes when clearly, there is no one to yield to), don't whip out in front of bikes, and if it's not too much to ask, show a little consideration for motorcyclists. We don't have walls around us and seatbelts. Since I started riding in July, I've become very aware of how texting or using my phone was affecting my driving. As a result, I'll rarely pick it up when I'm in the truck. Just a friendly reminder. Next time I have a close call, I'm installing a chin-mounted paintball gun. Ya'll have been warned...

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