Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Latest Updates/people driving like dorks

Well, I have very few. I guess the place didn't appraise for the total amount of the loan, so in the next few days we'll find out the appraised value and play it from there. Whatever the outcome, it will probably require me to come out of my own pocket for some closing costs. I didn't want to dip into my savings on this at all, but I kind of feel like God just wants me to trust Him on this. What are my savings to Him, and in the light of eternity? He has the power to make me physically rich beyond my wildest dreams or to take it all back. It's all His to start with. For me, it's a trust issue. My safety net. In the meantime, I'm becoming more and more willing to relinquish control. And as always, I covet ya'lls prayers. For a buyer/renter for my current home, that the Vision Series we have meeting here to lift His name up, and that above all, He would give me wisdom to deal.

On another note, I have something to say to all those of you on 4 wheels. Please get that cellphone away from your face, learn to use mirrors and turnsignals, properly behave yourself at a yield sign(i.e. pay attention so there is no need to slam on your brakes when clearly, there is no one to yield to), don't whip out in front of bikes, and if it's not too much to ask, show a little consideration for motorcyclists. We don't have walls around us and seatbelts. Since I started riding in July, I've become very aware of how texting or using my phone was affecting my driving. As a result, I'll rarely pick it up when I'm in the truck. Just a friendly reminder. Next time I have a close call, I'm installing a chin-mounted paintball gun. Ya'll have been warned...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still"

(Exodus 14:14)
This is the first verse that came to my mind as I watched the Lord work today. I was sitting in my realtor's office, and we had just looked at pictures and stats on about 8 different properties in the neighborhood I felt He wants me in. But none of them seemed a good fit(not close enough to my families, etc). We had just broken the contract on Saturday, and were doing paperwork to get the earnest money back. Her phone rang, and it was our VA mortgage contact. He had just got off the phone with the sellers agent(very inexperienced), had educated her on what the contract was actually supposed to say, what it meant for all parties, etc. She was mortified and the seller was mad that her agent lost us over something so simple. The choice was ours-did we wish to revive the old contract with the proper wording, and get the closing costs(the original issue)paid? We sure did! So as of today, we are moving forward with the same place.
I just want this to be a reflection of God's greatness and total supremacy. I never tried to muscle this deal, I just prayed and let it happen. I was pretty annoyed on Saturday, but I still knew that He is in charge, He works in mysterious ways, and He has a plan for everything. All I need to do is be still.
(also see 2 Chronicles 20:17)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Slightly disappointed and seeking direction

If you read back a few, I wrote about a duplex I wanted to buy in North Central Austin. It made sense on a lot of fronts, and I want to be close to my Karen families. The only way I'm going to learn their language is by immersion, or something very close to it. I had the inspection done, and the place is rock solid. All along, I never tried to muscle anything, I just had an idea, started asking questions and praying and things started to flow. So when I got the inspection report, I got excited. Saturday was the last day to do anything without losing the earnest money, and that's when my realtor found some wording on the contract that bothered her. Basically, we made the offer we did, so that they would pay our closing costs, and still get what they wanted. And that was agreed to by them at the time. The fine print on the contract said differently. Because of a lack of correspondence from the other realtor, we pulled out of the contract that night.
Talking with them today, it appears that they don't like that arrangement. Most likely, their realtor isn't educating them properly on what is happening down here. Either way, we have no contract at this point, unless they come back and start talking.
So I am a bit bothered, disappointed, and annoyed at incompetant realtors. Not mine, she is fantastic! I don't care for the idea of renting, when I can invest instead. So now I am taking a few steps back and praying for direction on this. I would appreciate all ya'lls prayers for me on all this. I'm not really sure what to do from here. Good thing my Heavenly Father has it all figured out already. "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future..."-Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

updates, comedic undertakings, literary ungenius, fall weather

This was unplanned, and so will be fairly scatterbrained, moreso than previous writings. Things going on with me-
Duplex-The inspection went very well, and I was very impressed with the state of the place. So I am moving forward. Still don't have a renter for my condo, but I have some time for that. I had signs on the corners, for half a day, then some jerk stole them. Who does that, really? I guess someone had that little important going on in their life that they thought it would be humorous to take my 2 handwritten plastic signs. Well I hope they enjoy them! They obviously need them more than me. Just curious what they're renting...Which reminds me-
Comedy-I once thought I should write a book about my life up to that point, a year or so ago, and call it "A Comedy of Errors". I'm thinking of bringing that idea back! I had a guy I work with tell me today, "Maxwell, if you wrote a comedy book about your life, I'd read it!" That comment came about because I just clowned on him, and for once it was hilarious(even though it was rapidly reversed on me), but it got me thinking. Anyone out there good at expressing themselves? I need help with a book deal, and then with this blog...
Anyone else enjoying this weather? For the last few days, I have been loving it! I can finally go riding the UT strip at rush hour without drowning in my own sweat! Love it!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

update on a potential move across town and a leap of faith

So I haven't written for a few days. Let me catch ya'll up on what's been happening with the moving to North Austin idea...
On Thursday, we reached a compromise with the owner of the duplex, and started the option period(ten days to get it inspected, etc). After this, if we are happy, we can start the contract. We are waiting on one major piece of the puzzle to fall into place before we can do this though-I have to have a renter's contract on my condo in Allandale. This will show the lenders that my debt to income level is good enough to bless me with the loan. I haven't stressed about any of this so far, why start now? I post it on Craigslist a few times a day, and I bought some signs tonight to post at the nearest intersection. If God wants me there, He will provide. Having said that, I would value your prayers.

First, that I do everything with God's blessing, and in order to lift His name up. It is easy for me to forget and try to muscle something into place. But He gave me the idea, He put them on my heart, and He can easily pull all the pieces together should He desire.

Second, that I find a renter for my condo. More about that below.

Third, that God would multiply our Vision series group. We are 2 right now. Steve Hussman and I chose to meet in his place, the same complex where all my Karen families live, and take a specific slant on it. We want group to be focused on the refugees and the North Austin community where he lives and soon, Lord willing, I will too. So if that sounds like where God is leading your heart, look us up on the Austin Stone's website.

Thank you all for all your encouragement in this. Sometimes I just want to hear from someone besides my folks that I'm on the right track :)


*About the Condo-I have a number I'd like to get, to break even, but if I found a great couple, or someone from the Stone, I'd be willing to drop it a bit. So if you know anyone that is looking for a beautiful 2 bedroom 1 bath, one block away from the Mopac/Anderson intersection(and ten minutes to downtown, 3 miles to Camp Mabry, 5 minutes from the Domain and the Arboretum, 5 miles from ACC Northridge, and 6 miles to UT, etc.), point them in my direction! Pictures are available.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

only 7 years later...have you already forgotten?

What to say here... That I'm frustrated? Looking around me and seeing the selfish indifference of the Starbucks generation? Or that I'm blessed by all the people who tell me thank you so much for what you do for us? Conflicting emotions. If I could write, I would fill a few pages on the subject. I would just ask that all ya'll out there don't forget the events of 7 years ago. Or the nearly 3,000 who died that day. Or the 5,000+ who have bravely given their all so that Iraqi kids can go to school in safety. Awkward ending, right?... But I never said I could write...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Intro to ramblings

Well I figured as long as I had this I might as well start writing. Not easy for me, but I've got a good cup of coffee, and 20 minutes, so I'll get through this.
If you know me, or have talked to me in the last month, then you know the burden that God has laid on my heart for Karen refugees from Burma, living here in Austin. I never saw it coming. At the beginning of July, I was planning to spend my summer relaxing, staying fit, working on my place, occasionally volunteering, and essentially being selfish. I was happy where I live, and with the things I have.
Now I find myself spending more and more time with my families, as I like to call them. I need to learn their language. And there is a duplex for sale on Rutland, about 200 feet from them. The best way to learn a language is immersion, right?
As my heart has been turned more and more towards the families living at the Austin Commons, I am finding myself more and more un-materialistic. I don't know if that is a normal response to hanging around with people who don't have nearly the material blessings I've been given, but it has caused me to start dumping furniture and extra trappings that society has convinced me I needed..."But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ"-Phillippians 3:7-9a. Whatever I thought I had going for me, that I considered to make my resume of life and experience attractive, I could care less about now. Get excited people! This is God moving in me, changing my heart and bringing a deep desire to really know and serve him. I finally feel like I have a specific mission to work for, under the broader mission of glorifying Him. In Iraq, the worst times were the boring times...sitting around, waiting for something to happen, so we could react...or going through the motions of another routine patrol...it started to get old. The excitement came when something out of the ordinary came. New intel, a raid tomorrow night-a mission. Finally doing what we know we were put here to do. Same principle here. I'm a new believer, but I can already see myself getting bored of the routine and mundane life of an American christian. I'm going for something more.
If this was terribly confusing, I apologize. I will come add more later. Just wanted to start writing finally, I'll get better in time. And maybe put something together to complete this picture of where I think God is taking my life.