Thursday, November 6, 2008

First update in awhile

Well, it has been awhile. There was nothing really new to say. I've had a contract on the duplex forever. All I'm waiting on is a renter or buyer for my condo. We've lowered the price ridiculously, and I put signs up every few days. We had someone who was a "sure thing" back away, on the verge of signing a rental contract, after I lowered the price even more to accomadate her. I don't know what else to do now, except pray. The more time I spend around the refugee families, the more I am convinced that God wants me in that neighborhood. It started out as an idea to get immersed, to learn the language. Then it grew into an opportunity for missional living. Then several Christian young men expressed interest in living there. Then it grew into an idea that I could teach the Burmese men job skills, related to remodeling, home maintenance, landscaping, drywall, painting, tile, etc. And to be able to instill confidence and empower these men to better provide for their families. Then I added the idea that the believers who minister to this community would have a forward operating base, to borrow the Marine term. A safehouse to link up, refit, and launch out of. And it would provide an easy place to have these families over and love on them.
I heard a sermon at church this week about idolatry. I learned that an idol is not necessarily something that starts out bad. It could be something good, like a hobby, a relationship, a social justice cause, even a duplex in the North Austin Rutland neighborhood...Anything that starts to encroach on my relationship with my Father, and detracts my attention from Him, can be idolatry.
So I still need all the prayer I can get on this one. Please pray that God who has moved everything along up to this point, would give me clear direction. Pray that I'll have wisdom to discern His direction. Pray that He would either provide someone to rent out this place soon, or close the door. Pray that He would give me grace and humility to accept His decision, and as always please pray for the Burmese refugees in Austin.

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